Alive in this timeline? Work it out with my February Journal Prompts.
If we haven’t met, I’m Megan. I’m a trained facilitator, respectful writing coach, and award-winning author. I journal daily-ish. f you’d like to join me this month, here are my Megged-up February journal prompts.
Journaling can create a feeling of space. When we pause to ask a new question, fresh possibilities open up. Bringing honesty to the page in private can deepen our self-awareness. It can help us grow. It can simply feel good. Because we get to be free.
Or… it can be a gateway drug to writing. Getting hands-on practice being real with your words can strengthen anything else you want to write. Make truth a habit.
I suggest giving yourself at least ten minutes or one full page per prompt; whichever comes first; but please, go as long as you like. It’s your page. Let the words get out of your brain and onto the paper. Put it all down. Here’s my journaling playlist in case you want to set a mood.
February Journal Prompts
Click here for a printable .pdf file of all 28 February journal prompts.
1. What can I do to get more free between now and bedtime?
2. When I meet someone, what draws me to want to spend more time with them?
3. What would it be good to be more ruthless about?
4. What’s my relationship to waking up?
5. What would I like to be enveloped in?
6. What would I do now if I knew I’d live forever?
7. What feels just out of reach?
8. What does my body know best about?
9. What might be good for me to interrupt?
10. What do I want people to notice more easily about me?
11. What’s standing between me and peace?
12. How would I love to feel every day?
13. What do I want my name to be linked to?
14. What is the secret to staying friends with me?
15. Why do I like to write some things down and say others out loud?
16. What do I have in common with almost everybody?
17. What makes me different from anyone else I’ve ever met?
18. If I could witness any past event in history without changing the future, what would I want to see?
19. What’s actually not that urgent right now?
20. What (or who) makes me feel (at least temporarily) like I can take on the world?
21. What stops me from doing my worst?
22. What would I want to know, if I could briefly read the mind of anyone in the world?
23. What am I getting better at?
24. What makes total sense to me right now?
25. What do I sometimes forget?
26. If I could buy my way out of it, what would I never want to do again?
(Bonus question: What can I actually try as an attempt to relieve or lessen this burden?)
27. What aspirations or goals are guiding me?
28. What’s uncomfortable to do next but feels worthwhile?
Those are my February journal prompts. Thanks for checking them out. If you want to go beyond the privacy of your journal and take some words to the public, I’m available to give you f*ckin’ friendly, majorly honest sliding-scale creative writing coaching. Get your ideas into the world.
xo, megan
Or just go home to the blog.

These (hopefully) really quite helpful creative writing tips offer what I’ve learned as an award-winning author who writes a million words a year, and what I’ve learned about supporting others as a private writing coach.
There’s no one way to write. There’s only your way. I hope some of my tactics and ideas can help you find it.
Yup, I’m a writing coach.
I work with folks at all levels of experience and all levels of income. My writers range from unhoused teens living on the streets to C-suite executives who want to up-level their communication. If you want a private coaching session but can’t afford it, email and ask for scholarship info.
curious/confused?: what does a writing coach do (and not do)
THANK YOU to this month’s generously supportive patrons who are helping me build a digital library of free writing resources to support writers with different access needs! Three cheers for A.J., Dan, Jason, Jennifer, Jessica, Josh, Katherine, Kathleen, Marianna, Nell, Sarah, and some anonymous folks who’ve asked not to be named. Come on in, the Patreon’s fine.